Annual meeting of the Council for Scientific Research held in Paris (6 February 2025)

The annual meeting of the Council for Scientific Research (CSR) took place at IFCU headquarters in Paris last week, 6th February 2025. As a reminder, the Council, which is chaired by Prof. Vercauteren (Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium) and hosted by CIRAD-IFCU, is made up of the presidents (sometimes delegates) from IFCU International research groups (IRG).
Council members, who exchanged about their own group activities, both past and future, had the opportunity to discuss about joint initiatives to make their voice heard within IFCU and beyond. In this regard, several specific points were dealt with, such as: an event around the topic of culture to be planned next year in Rome, the presence of IRG experts in events organized by international organisations, the launching of another IRG soon, some external calls for papers and issues related to academic publishing, and the release of a policy document prepared by council members.
So far, there are groups around the following disciplines or study topics: theology, psychology, social sciences, educational sciences, memory and identity, studies on Islam, peace studies, artificial intelligence, political sciences, environmental issues/integral ecology and the Common goods.
On this occasion, we had the pleasure to welcome Prof. Rita Bichi and Prof. Veronica Riniolo (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, Italy), Prof. Mario Bara and Prof. Jasna Nimac (Catholic University of Croatia, Croatia), Prof. Fernando Soler (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile), Prof. Vania Sousa Lima (Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal) and Prof. George Mutalemwa (St. Augustine University of Tanzania, Tanzania).
Scholars from an IFCU member university may join any of the groups for free, just let us know!