Call for Papers – Educatio Journal No. 16: “Is Education an Act of Hope? The Catholic Education Actors and the Global Compact on Education”

The international online research journal Educatio, dedicated to Christian education, has launched a new call for contributions for its 16th issue, in collaboration with CIRAD-IFCU, on the topic: “Is Education an Act of Hope? The Catholic Education Actors and the Global Compact on Education”.
In a world shaken by numerous crises—social, environmental, economic, and spiritual—can education still generate hope? With Pope Francis’ Global Compact on Education as a backdrop, this issue of Educatio invites contributors to explore how Catholic educational institutions, from primary to tertiary levels, respond to this invitation to become “pilgrims of hope” in the Jubilee Year.
The journal welcomes academic articles across disciplines as well as case studies and accounts of innovative practices in Catholic educational settings.
- Abstract submission deadline: 15 May 2025
- Final article deadline (upon acceptance): 30 August 2025
- Publication date: October 2025 (in view of the Jubilee of Education)
Submissions may be written in English, French, Spanish, Italian, or German.