Category: Education & Higher Education

The Campus Capacitas-UCV receives the Gravissimum Educationis Award

The Campus Capacitas from the Catholic University of Valencia (Universidad Católica de Valencia – UCV) has been a key partner in the international project “Towards an Inclusive Culture and Pedagogy” promoted and coordinated by CIRAD-IFCU, with the objective of improving access to Catholic universities for students with disabilities. While the project officially came to an…
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Our “Towards more sustainable research practices” webinar is available on replay ! (French)

As part of its “Research Talks”, CIRAD-IFCU held a webinar on the topic of “Towards more sustainable research practices”, on March 12, 2021. We were able to welcome Prof. Anne-Laure LIGOZAT, a senior lecturer in computer science at ENSIIE, who is involved in the work of the LISN laboratory (ex-LIMSI) and the Labos1point5 collective. CIRAD-FIUC…
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Save the Date ! The use of social networks as a research methodology (Research Talk – April 21st, 2021 – In Spanish)

This year CIRAD-IFCU launches a series of webinars entitled « Research Talks » aimed at covering some of today’s major trends in the research field. The webinars welcome one or two speakers each month, who will present an overview of a selected trend at a national, regional or global scale based on their own works and experience.…
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