Category: Education & Higher Education

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ACISE 2017 – Interview with Raymond McCluskey

International Symposium of the Association of Catholic Institutes of Education (ACISE) – April 19, 20 and 21, 2017 – Université Catholique de l’Ouest (UCO), Angers (France) “Educate today, changes and permanences” Raymond McCluskey is Professor at the Catholic University of Glasgow, in the school of education.

“Ranking” International Project

The Development of a Ranking System for Social Responsibility in Universities The past few years have seen various worldwide ranking systems for universities created, within a competitive context. These rankings have been based mainly on the performance of universities in terms of graduates and research publications. Public policy tends to take into account assessment standards…
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Asserting the value of arts and humanities research

I would like to share with you the main points of a lecture entitled « Asserting the value of arts & humanities research », delivered by Ellen Hazelkorn within the framework of the GUNI Conference “International Conference on Sustainable Development Goals: Actors and Implementation”, held on September 18th-19th 2017 in Barcelona, Spain. Ellen makes us notice that…
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