Category: Education & Higher Education

ACISE 2018 Conference

“Catholicism, Culture, Education” The Association of Catholic Institutes of Education (ACISE) is a research group in educational sciences affiliated to the CIRAD. Since 1989, its members, which are Catholic universities with a Faculty of Education, have been meeting every year to share their research and experiences on a common theme. Also, EducA, the International Catholic…
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International Conference : “Refugees and migrants in a globalized world – Responsibility and responses of Universities”

The International Federation of Catholic Universities has been working for several months on “Migrants and Refugees” issues. Next November, IFCU with the Pontificia Università Gregoriana, the Center for Interreligious Understanding and Being the Blessing Foundation, will organize an International Conference on the “Responsibility and responses of Universities toward migration issues”. With the International Conference, the…
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Trends related to HE internationalization in the Eurasian region

On behalf of CIRAD-FIUC, I participated at the 6th IUNC EURASIA Meeting on Internationalization of Higher Education, organized by the Eastern European University Association (EEUA) on 15th-18th May 2017 in Moscow, Russia, which gathered Education Agencies and international relation officers from both European and Asian universities.   I am pleased to share with you some…
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