Category: Education & Higher Education

The 2024 IFCU Evaluation Campaign of the Newman Framework on University Social Responsibility is open

Website of the Newman Evaluation on University social responsibility:

IFCU International Congress “Psychology and the Psychosocial: Understandings in Context”, Medellín, Colombia (March 20-22, 2024)

The 8th International Congress of the IFCU International Research Group (IRG) in Psychology entitled “Psychology and the Psychosocial : Understandings in Context” will take place on March 20-22, 2024, at the Universidad Católica Luis Amigó (FUNLAM), Medellín, Colombia. This meeting responds to the interest of socializing the investigative and psychosocial intervention processes that start from…
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New Note: “Rethinking the role of the university from the perspective of social responsibility, with a view to dialoguing with the territory and humanizing our societies”

CIRAD is glad to share with you a new note on a current debate that keeps on affecting higher education and research. Indeed, it questions the role of our universities in building more human societies in the spirit of a horizontal dialogue with all the actors in the territories while providing a space to form…
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