Category: Youth & Societies

Campus Ministry Manual – Educating youngsters to justice and peace

  The Catholic University of Mozambique released a manual addressed to campus ministry officers to contribute to educating young generations to justice and peace. This manual falls into an international action-research project that was carried out by CIRAD-FIUC in sub-Saharan Africa in collaboration with various Catholic universities. The project aimed to get to know better young…
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Research Group – Families, societies, globalization

The social teaching of Catholic Church has given a large place to the family since the 19th century. This interest has not been denied in recent years. However, the evolution of the contemporary world has upset the family structure, its representations, the places granted to it according to different societies and their cultures. Today, the…
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Speech by Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti – Milan, 2017

“It is absolutely dramatic that, in the contemporary world, young people represent the category of the population most affected by inequalities“. It is in these terms that Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, President of the Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI), opened the International Conference of the International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU), which took place from 16 to…
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