CIRAD participated in the INQAAHE Forum on Social responsibility through Quality Assurance (10-12 June 2024, Romania)

CIRAD participated in the INQAAHE Forum on Social responsibility through Quality Assurance (10-12 June 2024, Romania)

CIRAD-IFCU had the pleasure to participate in the INQAAHE Forum held at University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, on 10-12 June 2024 entitled “Transforming Society: Social Responsibility through Quality Assurance of Tertiary Education”.

The Forum, which was hosted by the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS), is the annual meeting point for quality assurance agencies from all around the world. This year, INQAAHE addressed invited attendees to reflect upon the interest and ways of including indicators related to social and environmental responsibility in the evaluation of higher education institutions and their programmes.

In addition to getting updated on quality assurance evolution and trends and, by the same token, on their impact on the higher education landscape, the Forum provided a greater opportunity to exchange and reflect in a collaborative manner on different ways of reaching out to various types of public, among which audiences that are sometimes excluded, as well as institutions’ efforts to comply with sustainability expectations in line with the SDGs.

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