Integral Campus Project

In resonance with the Synod of 2018, IFCU wishes to dig in the tradition of integral education of Catholic universities to explore four of its aspects which are strategic for rectors, yet little studied within the Federation:
- Campuses and real/virtual classrooms as places of knowledge and autonomy;
- The most ambitious practices considering integral education among member universities and other universities in the world;
- The various means of promoting the singularity of Catholic identities among students, parents and teachers;
- The role played by Catholic universities within the society, and their specificities.
In 2017, IFCU created the Integral Campus Department to conduct an international study of its members on these four strategic issues quoted above. The goal of this participatory study is to encourage and assist university rectors and executive teams to develop their own vision of the 21st century integral campus. This evaluation will enable IFCU to create trainings, learning journeys, a dedicated working group and conferences among voluntary universities.