New publication of the ODREC : Paths to religious freedom

The Observatory of Religious and Cultural Diversity in Latin America and the Caribbean (ODREC) of the Universidad de San Buenaventura (Bogotá), in partnership with the International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU), just released its last publication: «Paths of religious freedom» (Los caminos de la libertad religiosa).
This publication features the most relevant points discussed during the First International Congress of ODREC, «Religious and Cultural Diversity: Generation of Public Policy and Peace» organized in 2016. This project aligns on the ODREC’s objectives, which are the promotion of research on the religious fact and the dissemination of information between the researchers’ network and IFCU universities in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The authors deal with the new paradigm of religion in the society through two approaches. The first one focuses on the religious fact in the field of education, analyzing the theological culture and religious diversity, the peace culture and the principle of religious freedom within education. The second one is about religion in the political sphere, in particular the historical-legal framework of religious freedom, challenges related to poverty as well as an analysis of the government and religious collective action in Colombia towards peace construction.
Please, find above the complete work (PDF) :