News and invitation from the COCTI – IFCU International Research Group in Theology

News and invitation from the COCTI – IFCU International Research Group in Theology

We are pleased to share with you the latest news regarding the Conference of Catholic Theological Institutions, named COCTI, an International Research Group in Theology that was founded in 1970 within the framework of our Federation.

It is important to note that, as part of a worldwide network of Catholic higher education institutions, COCTI members have access to a broad collaboration platform bringing together scholars from a wide range of backgrounds, disciplines, perspectives and interests. The exchanges that take place both within COCTI as well as between COCTI and other international research groups belonging to the Federation allow for enriching and opening up new perspectives, creating or consolidating both professional and personal links, and planning joint academic, scientific and policy-oriented activities.

The most recent news to be highlighted may be found here below:

  • The COCTI General Assembly (GA) occurred on 29th May 2024 at the Università Pontificia Gregoriana in Rome, Italy. Almost thirty Deans or delegates of Faculties of Theology from Catholic higher education institutions from Europe, North America, Latin America and the Middle East participated in the event, while taking part in the different encounters that were planned with Vatican agencies, like AVEPRO or the Dicastery for Culture and Education. This gathering also allowed IFCU Secretary General, Prof. François Mabille, to reaffirm the Federation’s strong commitment to collaborate with COCTI members and the other way round.
  • During the GA it was decided to officially create the position of COCTI Secretary General, which was entrusted to Prof. Fernando Soler, professor of the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Chile, in continuity with the work already begun in 2023. It should be mentioned here that Prof. Soler has been a key interlocutor between the group and our Federation and we are very grateful for that. Our most sincere congratulations for this well-deserved nomination!
  • And, last but not least, the forthcoming gathering of COCTI will take place during the week of August 25th to 29th 2026 (exact dates to be confirmed) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

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