CIRAD - International Center for Research and Decision Support

Deadline extended – INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “Youth mobility in the 21st century” (11-12 October 2023)

As a reminder, the IFCU International Research Group (IRG) on Social Sciences organizes its next International Conference on the topic of mobility on 11-12 October, 2023 at the Catholic University of Croatia in Zagreb. And the theme chosen for this meeting has been “Youth mobility in the 21st century“. To make sure that the greatest number of people may…
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The Newman Framework and Evaluation Campaign on University Social Responsibility is open!

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New research project on “Educating in Trust, Educating for Trust” by ACISE, the IFCU International Research Group on Educational sciences

  One of the International Research Groups of the Federation specialized in the educational sciences, ACISE has initiated a three-year Research project (2023-2026) on the topic “Educating in Trust, Educating for Trust“. The project is being implemented according to three phases: Within the framework of this project, the group organized a two-day Research Seminar at…
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