CIRAD - International Center for Research and Decision Support

The second publication on Youth Cultures in Catholic Universities is now available!

In 2012, CIRAD carried out the first global study on “Youth cultures in Catholic universities“, in which questions relating to values and the way in which students give meaning to their lives were central. The study, conducted online using a questionnaire available in 17 languages, is unprecedented both in its coverage (global) and in the areas…
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The Campus Capacitas-UCV receives the Gravissimum Educationis Award

The Campus Capacitas from the Catholic University of Valencia (Universidad Católica de Valencia – UCV) has been a key partner in the international project “Towards an Inclusive Culture and Pedagogy” promoted and coordinated by CIRAD-IFCU, with the objective of improving access to Catholic universities for students with disabilities. While the project officially came to an…
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Our “Towards more sustainable research practices” webinar is available on replay ! (French)

As part of its “Research Talks”, CIRAD-IFCU held a webinar on the topic of “Towards more sustainable research practices”, on March 12, 2021. We were able to welcome Prof. Anne-Laure LIGOZAT, a senior lecturer in computer science at ENSIIE, who is involved in the work of the LISN laboratory (ex-LIMSI) and the Labos1point5 collective. CIRAD-FIUC…
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