CIRAD - International Center for Research and Decision Support

Save the Date ! Responsible Research And Innovation : Evolution and New Perspectives (February 24th, 2021)

This year CIRAD-IFCU launches a series of webinars entitled « Research Talks » aimed at covering some of today’s major trends in the research field. The webinars welcome one or two speakers each month, who will present an overview of a selected trend at a national, regional or global scale based on their own works and experience.…
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Save the Date ! 2021 Calendar of CIRAD-IFCU Research Talks

This year CIRAD-IFCU launches a series of webinars entitled « Research Talks » aimed at covering some of today’s major trends in the research field. The webinars welcome one or two speakers each month, who will present an overview of a selected trend at a national, regional or global scale based on their own works…
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Have you heard about CIRAD’s Policy Briefs collection?

In 2019, the CIRAD published a first Policy Brief in the framework of the IFCU international project that sought to improve inclusion of disabled students in Catholic universities. This year, the second Policy Brief deals with digital divide within higher education that is a current major challenge due to the pandemic, which concerns everyone. This…
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