CIRAD - International Center for Research and Decision Support

IFCU has a new Partnership with UNISERVITATE

The International Federation of Catholic University has recently concluded a partnership with the UNISERVITATE Program, held by Porticus and coordinated by the Latin American Centre for Learning and Solidarity Service (CLAYSS). This program aims to institutionalize Service-Learning within Catholic Higher Education Institutions (CHEIs). Service-Learning, which has been expanded in the last 50 years all over…
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Save The Date ! IFCU New Frontier Forum, October 19 & 20

This year, the International Federation of Catholic Universities is organizing its annual New Frontier Forum event on the subject of Artificial Intelligence, of the revolution it is bringing about across universities, and of the ways in which Catholic universities may best measure up to the challenge. The event had been designed and planned before the…
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Save the date! Forum Internationalisation and Risk

IFCU organises an online forum on October 12th and 13th, in collaboration with the Australian Catholic University (ACU) and Aléas. This forum will address the issues which universities are facing in their internationalisation process as well as the risks encountered, in a global competitive framework. This online forum aims to discuss about these topics, such…
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