The ACISE International Conference on “Inspiring Trust” took place last April at KUL, Lublin, Poland

On 4-6 April 2024 John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (KUL), Lublin, Poland, hosted the 32nd International Conference of ACISE (the IFCU International Research Group – IRG – on Educational sciences) on the topic of “Inspiring Trust“.
The programme of the Conference included a variety of perspectives that linked the notion of trust to pedagogy and, more generally, to the job of educator bearing in mind that such a value must serve the proper development of the human being.
An IFCU delegation had the pleasure to share with the group’s authorities, hosts and participants the rich exchanges that took place during the conference, while engaging discussions for the ACISE’s future research orientation and international dimension.
We would like to grab this opportunity to thank once again the KUL team for their wonderful welcome and excellent organisation of the event.